We automatically pull all information about venue's (name, location, categories) from Foursquare. If you are noticing an error in this information on Untappd, it will first need to be changed in Foursquare.
You can access a venue's corresponding Foursquare page by selecting the Foursquare logo on the Untappd venue page. Once on the Foursquare page you can "Suggest an edit."
It may take multiple edits to update information. If you notice the information hasn't updated after you have suggested an edit, you can reach out to us and let us know and we can try submitting an edit as well. While we cannot guarantee that our edit will be accepted, the more submissions Foursquare gets the more likely they are to approve an edit. It does take up to 24 hours for an edit made on Foursquare to reflect on the Untappd page.