*Please note, this feature is only available in-app, not on the web.
When you tag a friend in a check-in, check-in description, or in a comment on a friend's check-in it will notify that user in their notifications tab and push alert (if they have enabled it). Tagging someone in a check-in doesn't check them in, it just tags them in your post. You can only tag users that you are friends with on Untappd.
Tagging Friends in a Check-in
- In the Check-In details, go down to Tag Friends
- You will see recently tagged friends or you can tag someone new by selecting Tag Friends
- There you will see Nearby friends or you can scroll through your friends list. You can also search for a friend by name or username
- Click on the friend you would like to tag
- You will see a blue checkmark indicating they have been selected
Tagging Friend's in a Check-In Description
- Go to the description section of a Check-In
- Start typing "@FRIENDS NAME" and then you can select the friend you wish to tag.
Tagging Friends in a Comment
- Click Comment on the Check-In you'd like to tag a friend in
- Start typing @FRIEND'SNAME and select the friend you'd like to tag