Responding to check-ins is a great way to interact with your customers!
To get started, click on Venue Check-Ins in the menu bar on the left. The page will automatically default to the On Premise check-ins, but at the top of the box, you'll see tabs for both On Premise check-ins and Purchased From (off premise/to-go) check-ins. Just click the Purchased From tab to see the off premise/to-go check-ins as well:
You can also see your Check in Analytics for the last seven days in the panel on the right. Note that you cannot change the timeframe on this panel, but can see further numbers by clicking, "See all venue analytics" in that box.
Scroll down through this page to see all of your most recent check-ins. To respond, you can do one of two actions:
1. Click the Toast button: If you're short on time but still want to acknowledge your customers' check-ins, you can simply click the Toast button.
When you toast a check-in, the user will receive a notification from the app that you did so.
2. Leave a comment: If you want to personally respond to a customer's check in, click into the comment box and type away! You have up to 140 characters to say whatever you'd like.
If you click "View (X#) Comment," you can see all the comments on the check in, in the panel on the right:
Note: If you're responding to a negative check-in, we suggest first taking a look here to read up on our best practices on how to handle the situation.
Please reach out to us at with any questions!