There are two places where you will find the basic information for your Untappd for Business account.
Location Information
Under the Location Settings tab under General, you'll find your business's name, Venue ID number, and address. This information is not editable on the customer-facing side due to mapping and integration concerns with our location services. If you need to make changes here, please let us know you need assistance. For fastest service, email us at with both your venue's current information, and the information you would like it updated to.
Location Details
Further information about your venue can be edited by you under the Details tab.
1. Upload your Logo:
You can upload a logo in either .png or .jpg format. Minimum size for your logo is 200x200 px, with a limit of a 2MB file size overall.
2. Add/Update your Contact Info:
You can always change your phone number and website address by coming to this page. The changes will automatically update in the app.
3. Timezone/Currency:
Your Timezone and Currency should already be set up and ready to go when you first log into your account, but if any changes need to be made, you may make them here.
4. About Location:
You can add a brief description of your venue here if you like.
5. Categories:
Please do NOT delete the category already assigned to you by Untappd as this may cause your venue to not be searchable in the app. You may however add up to three more categories that describe your business that will be visible on your Verified Venue page.
6. Payment Types:
You can indicate what payment types you accept at your venue by checking them off in the list.
7. Additional Details:
Below the payment type fields, you will see a series of options that you may toggle to indicate which are available at your location.
Once you have completed this info to your satisfaction, click the Save button at the bottom of the page, and all the info selected will be displayed on your Verified Venue page in the app:
If you have any questions about editing your information, please email us at