You created your account with Facebook but want to convert to a normal account with a username and password or you want to remove Facebook entirely from your profile.
To convert to a normal account you will need to
- Log in to your account on the web at selecting "Connect with Facebook"
- You won't be able to use the username and password login because you do not have a password since your account was created by connecting your Facebook
- Select "Continue as" or enter your Facebook credentials
- Once logged in, navigate to your account settings by going to My Profile > Account Settings or by going there directly
- Scroll down to "Convert Account" and select the option to "Convert to Regular Account"
- Follow the prompts to convert your account to a normal account. At the end of this process you will have set a password and will be able to log in using your username and password.
If you want to remove your Facebook entirely you will need to complete some additional steps:
- Navigate to My Profile > Account Settings or by going there directly via
- Scroll down to "Social Connections"
- Click on "Remove This Connection" for Facebook
- Log in to your Facebook account and navigate to
- Remove Untappd in the list of "Active Apps and Websites"
- Deleting all posts, photos and videos optional. You can select or leave blank at your discretion
If you are having trouble logging back in to your Facebook created account please see our guide here: I created an account with Facebook, how do I log in?