Locked out and need to reset your email?
If you are locked out of your account and need to reset your email you can submit a request here: https://untappd.com/account/change_account_details.
*Please note this link will only work if you are logged out of any accounts! If you have access to your account please see below.
Not locked out but you'd like to change your email?
If you have access to your account and want to change your email you can do so simply from your profile settings!
- Go to your profile
- Click on the "Settings" icon
- Click on "Account"
- Click on "Profile"
- Enter in the email you would like to use in the "Email Address" field
- Click "Save"
- Hover over your profile picture to display the options drop-down
- Click on "Account Settings"
- Under the "Profile" tab enter in the email you would like to use in the "Email Address" field
- Click on "Update Settings"