Check-in Activity Graph
Comparison chart of the last 15 days of activity between total check-ins of beers from the brewery vs the total number if unique users checking-in those beers on any given date within the period.
Total Beers
The all-time total number of check-ins to beers from the brewery.
Total Unique Users
The all-time total number of unique users who have checked in at least 1 beer from the brewery.
Total Wish Listed
Total number of unique beers from the brewery that have been added to any user's Wish List.
For ex. 1 user can add 10 different beers from this brewery to their Wish List and that would add +10 to this stat. However, two users can add the same beer to their wish list and it will only add +1 to this stat.
Daily Average
Average number of check-ins daily to beers from the brewery over the last 30 days.
Weekly Average
Average number of check-ins weekly to beers from the brewery over the last 30 days.
This Month
The total number of check-ins over the last 30 days to beer from the brewery.
Top Beers
This list is ordered by total check-ins of these beers in the last 30 days.
Top Wishlisted Beers
This list is ordered by the most wish-listed beers in the last 30 days.
Top Venues
This list is ordered by venues that were added to check-ins of beers from the brewery in the last 30 days.
Important Note: When you see "last 30 days" that denotes that the calculation takes into account the last 30 days of activity (regardless of position in the month) and is recalculated when the page is accessed. That is to say - you could check this page multiple times per day and see new information as check-ins to your brewery's beers are being made!