Offers deep insight into a beer’s performance in a market over time and against benchmarks.
Who is it for?
- Brewers tracking ratings performance against beers of the same style and a benchmark beer
- Sales leaders and reps looking for new on- and off-premise leads
- Marketers seeking understanding of a beer’s consumers
- Distributors trying to measure portfolio health
Key insights / feature
- Count of check-ins & unique users checking-in
- Average rating
- Count of retail venues receiving a check-in
- Check-in counts and average ratings by month for the past year
- User counts by age range and gender
- Ratings averages by age range and gender
- Number of monthly check-ins to various retail venue types (pubs, restaurants, etc.)
- Top 20 venues by # of monthly check-ins
Beer Report Glossary
Below we have included a table of terms and definitions that are used in the Beer Report.
Term / Module | Definition |
Check-In | Abbreviated "CI" throughout the reports. An action recorded by an Untappd user to confirm consumption of a beer. A check-in generally includes a rating on a 5-point scale and a location (i.e., a venue at which the consumption occurred). |
Rating | Untappd uses a 5-point rating scale with most users rating beers in 0.25 increments (i.e., 4.0, 4.25, 4.50, 4.75, 5.00). Untappd Insider users are able to rate on a 0.10 scale. |
Venues | A commercial retail venue (i.e., bar, restaurant, stadium, alcohol store) at which an Untappd user recorded a check-in. |
Users | A unique Untappd user. In these reports, if you see a User count, it is the number of unique users (i.e., one user that records five Check-Ins in a monthly period only counts as one user). |
Check-Ins / Avg Ratings Over Time module | The light-blue line references Check-Ins over time and the left-hand y-axis. The black dots plot Avg Rating over time and keys off the right-hand y-axis. |
User Count module | These horizontal bar graphs breakdown the # of users that fall into each age tier. Within each age tier, Male and Female unique users are broken out. |
Age/Gender Rating | Average Rating of each beer is shown broken down by age tier and gender. |
Venue Type Check-Ins | Graphs the number of Check-Ins occurring in each retail venue type in the specified time period. |
Venues | Shows the retail venues that received the most Check-Ins in the specified time period. |