Venue pages on Untappd can become Verified if the venue has a business relationship with Untappd. This is done by having an Untappd for Business subscription. Verified Venues can list their menu, local badges, events, and other information about their venue that other unverified venues cannot.
How do I distinguish a Verified Venue?
Verified Venues are distinguished in-app and online by these images:
- A yellow check-mark next to a location name indicates the location is a Verified Venue.
- A yellow map pin with a circle indicates a location is a verified venue without a local badge.
- A yellow map pin with a star indicates a location is a Verified Venue and they have a local badge. Be sure to check-in there to get the badge!
How can I find Verified Venues nearby?
You can find nearby Verified Venues in the app by heading to the Discover tab and tapping on "Nearby "Venues."