Why we’re Promoting your Venue:
Drinking Socially starts in your neighborhood with Untappd users visiting your Verified Venue! We want to generate a base of subscribers for you, and let the beer community in your area know what's going on at your venue.
Because the team here at Untappd loves beer and supporting our verified venues, we'll run an in-app promotion for you as part of your launch package. Promos are automatically scheduled to run 30 days after your first menu is published. If you don't want your promo to run or would like to schedule an alternate date, shoot us an email at business@untappd.com and let us know.
Tip: Make sure you have a logo uploaded before your promotion starts. To find out more about how to maximize your promotion, click here.
These promotions are both time and impression based - your promotion will run for either six months OR until at least half of the active users in your area have received the promo, whichever comes first. When your promotion goes live, Untappd users checking-in beers within 20-mile radius of your venue will see your promo pop up on their phone (like the one above!) and be prompted to follow you for updates. If they choose to subscribe, they’ll receive in-app notifications anytime you update your beer menu or post a new event!