Here's a guide to understanding the numbers found on the Promos tab in a UTFB account. Keep in mind that stats do not update in real time and should only be considered accurate once the promotional period has run its course!
New Users: An Untappd user who visits, and checks-in a beer for the first time during the first two weeks of your promotion.
New Subscribers: This is the number of users who have subscribed to the venue during the promotional period.
New Checkins: Number of check ins generated by users who had not checked into the venue prior to the promotional period.
Impressions: The numbers on the y axis of the graph represent impressions. An impression is equal to one "view" of the promotion.
Date: The dates on the x axis of the graph represent the days during which the promotion ran.
Promos Over Time: This is the number of times the promotion was seen by an Untappd user during the promotional period. Hovering over the individual dots will reveal the exact number of views on that particular day.
Subscribes Over Time: Th is is the number of users who subscribed to the venue during the promotional period. Hovering over the individual dots will reveal the exact number of users who subscribed to the venue on that particular day.
First Time: Number of visitors who checked into a beer at your venue for the first time driven by your promotions.
First Visit in 60 Days: Number of visitors who checked into a beer at your venue for the first time in the last 60 days
First Visit in 90 Days or More: Number of visitors who checked into a beer at your venue for the first time in the last 90 days
Activity During: The analytics for the time from the promotion's launch until its end, however many days that ends up being.
Activity Before: These are the analytics from right before the promo started, for the same number of days as the promotion lasted. For example, if the promotion ran for a total of 45 days, the activity before stats are for the 45 days prior to the promo launch.