If your menu is showing as PUBLISHED in Untappd for Business but you don't see it showing on your Verified Venue page, there are a few things you can look at:
1) Are any of the menu's sections hidden?
Make sure none of the sections of the menu are hidden. To check, open the section, click Section Settings, and make sure the box next to Hide this section from all published menus is not checked:
2) Have you accidentally built the menu in the On Deck section?
Every menu when set up automatically has two sections; an Untitled section and a separate one down below that says On Deck. If your menu looks like either of the examples below, you have mistakenly deleted the given Untitled section and set everything up in the On Deck section, or simply added the beers only to the On Deck section. You will need to take corrective action:
The On Deck section is not meant for current beers; it is for cans/bottles/kegs that are perhaps in storage that are not yet in the cooler or on tap for purchase, but that you may want to keep track of or even display to your customers that they are coming soon. For this reason they are hidden from public view by default.
To fix this, click the +Add New Section button at the top right and create a new live section for the menu if one doesn't already exist/was deleted (you can either leave it untitled or give it a name).
Once a new section has been set up where the beers can be housed, go to the On Deck section where the beers are currently located and check the box next to Item List to select all of the beers:
Click Move:
Click on the name of the menu to expand the list of sections, then select the section you want to move the beers to. Click Finish to complete.
Now you should see the menu appear on your verified venue page. If not, go to the Details tab under Location Settings and click the Save button. It may take anywhere from 15-20 minutes for a refresh to go through to display the menu; if you don't see a change after that timeframe, please reach out to Support for assistance.
3) Have you accidentally built a menu with each item as a section title?
Check your menu to see if you have made each item an individual section. If it shows (0 Items) next to the menu name; this is a giveaway that the menu is incorrectly structured as menus with 0 items will not show in the Untappd app or on print menus, digital boards, etc. as shown below:
You'll need to rebuild your menu; beers are available in our database to search and add, while other non-beer items will need to be added manually unless you subscribe to Premium which provides access to the wine, spirit, and RTD databases. This article on menu building can assist.
If you need additional help or info with building menus, please reach out to business@untappd.com with any questions!