There are plenty of ways to stay up-to-date with what your friends are drinking, what's on tap at your local Verified Venue or know when a beer you love has been tapped nearby!
Check-In Alerts:
Check-in Alerts are for you and your friends to be alerted when people check-in on Untappd! We will send a push notification to your phone when you turn on this feature. By default, all Check-in Alerts are turned off. You can only subscribe to these alerts if you are friends with the user. You can turn these off anytime, by selecting "None."
There are 2 different types of alerts:
- All - you will get pushed all check-ins that this user has made, irrespective of location
- Nearby - you will get alerts when this user has added a location and is nearby your last known location.
To enable Check-in Alerts:
- Navigate to the friend's profile page
- Tap on the "Turn on Notifications" button
- Choose the notification setting you'd like
- Their profile will now show a gray button indicating that you have now turned on notifications for that friend
Beer Alerts
- Navigate to that Beer's Detail Page
- Tap on the "bell" icon next to the beers name
- A yellow icon indicates notifications are on, whereas a white icon indicates notifications are off.
Venue Alerts
- Navigate to the Verified Venue page
- Venue Notifications are only available for VERIFIED Venues, Unverified Venues do not have this capability
- Tap on the "Subscribe" button
- Choose the notification setting you'd like
Managing your Subscriptions
You can manage your Subscriptions at anytime by navigating to the applicable Subscription page from your Profile and tapping on the "bell" icon.
Friend Notifications
Beer Subscriptions
Venue Subscriptions